En14 septiembre, 2019 | 0 comentarios | Esparcimiento | Etiquetas:

Whenever I go online, I find advertisements about methods that promise to make you a happy person. But what is happiness for you or me? Who could define it better? When I came into contact with all the authors of these miraculous formulas, I found a point of agreement. Happiness is not always about having a lot of money or professional success. Great discovery! Then, propose the best way, which will be the one that fits your shoes. For entrepreneurs like Alex Berezowsky, Fili Santillán, and Matías de Superhábitos, happiness is to find a life without ties to a boss, and the solution is to have your own business. On the other hand, for people like Marisa Peer, Alexander Wilson, and Natalie Nedwell, the most important is to end the ties generated in the past to have a full life in the present.

To feel satisfaction, the group of entrepreneurs points out that your business must solve someone’s problem with an exciting subject for you. Good combination! In this case, you have to focus on finding out how your passion can help people. It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either.

On the other hand, the group that takes care of the wounded inner child emphasizes the fact that you must let go of everything negative that has happened to you. Through a series of hypnosis, they try to guide you towards a path where your empowerment will end up generating a life full of personal, professional, family, and spiritual satisfaction. It sounds wonderful! With pleasant disposition, you can improve several aspects of your life.

Now the question is: How to tie all these guides to your daily life? What sense would give this information to your reality? What would be the point from which you would start?  At what age have you decided to turn your existence around? How do you know if the restlessness you have is derived from the need to change? There are thousands of questions that arise as to whether our living gives us full happiness.

For me, happiness is more than a concept or an image idealized by the different media. Incredible as it may seem, there will be people who find passion and joy in a stressful work environment. Others may find a rewarding life in the silence of a room. There will be those who define happiness in terms of social gatherings or a functional family. Another group will consider happiness to be possessing spirituality. But some point out that to be happy, you must have a balance between work, family, friends, spirituality, money, and time for yourself.

We are such a diverse world that it is not a simple task to globalize happiness. So, your well-being will be what you want it to be, and not a preconceived idea carried to you in a package.

If what you live every day makes you feel great, why should you change? Although for some, it is a strange way to find the pleasure of life. The situation becomes different if when you wake up every morning, you feel a peculiar regret and everything you try so hard feels like a burden. In that case, prudence would dictate examining the possibility of making modifications to your routine. And who can help us get out of this mess? The best thing about this situation is that the main healer of our emotional imbalances is ourselves. Courses, advice, the support of family and friends are useless if we are not willing to take a decisive step to find our happiness.

What uncertainty! How will I know if I’m procrastinating or I have already started with a useful change? The first thing, to begin with, is to stop thinking about what others will think about you or what you do. People will always express their point of view, and that’s wonderful because it will allow you to develop new facets.

I had lived with many limits because I put the opinion of others first.  When I held in my hands, my novel «La Piedad de Caro,» a wave of conflicting emotions came to me. On the one hand, I was happy to get my book published because it represents my commitment and my desire to begin a new stage in my life. However, there were also feelings of shame and fear that my colleagues or students would associate me as a writer of non-scientific works.

After several months of reflection, I realized that it was part of the education I received. This teaching of yesteryear to maintain a coherent image in front of others to prevent people from speaking poorly of me! That brought me severe existential conflicts. Today I honor the memory of my parents. I know that they did what they could, but I take the principles that help me to be the right person and those that limit me I put aside.

The next step is to do things that represent a feat for you. It doesn’t matter that your epic moment is commonplace for others because, for you, it represents one of the best moments of your life. Each new achievement, small or big, will begin to generate satisfaction in you.

The third and most crucial step is to believe in yourself. Be aware that not everything comes wrapped for a gift, but that you are the best to achieve the task you have set out to make.

With your self-esteem healed by yourself, you must now make the little daily challenges routine without thinking that your circumstance is unfavorable. That is to say; one must put aside the figure of a martyr and stop paying attention to all adversities. For mental health reasons, the best thing to do is to think that you have come to this world to enjoy the good times and to learn from the less favorable situations.

There are no secrets or standard formulas to change and try to find the kind face of life. Yes, you can seek the help of a coach or psychoanalyst.  But you must be convinced that you want to free yourself from ties and try moments that give you pleasure because no one will achieve miracles for you.

Allow life to take you by the hand and enjoy the feat of accompanying it and experiencing all that it gives you while it company lasts.

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