TANKARD por: KING MACACHOR Covey, a successful businessman, lost a brother in the Bull Run. He suspected that his death was intentional. So, he investigated by going to Pamplona and Salamanca, without the slightest hint of the dangers to his life. He was accosted at a cul de sac by three men. He had a fight with them. Months passed by and he saw one of the men in Madrid. He followed him and found out that he was a member of a group with a cross tattooed on his right hand. He found out that the thug was a member of a group that had been sabotaging the Bull Run. His brother Jiro, was one of their victims. 11€ - COMPRAR LIBRO
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Sobre el autor
King Macachor
Autor destacado

King Macachor has written five books. TANKARD is his latest. He bases his stories on real events in history. Then he weaves fictional characters into the stories to make them lively, romantic, and engaging.  He is a graduate of two degrees in college. First was a Bachelor of Arts major in English then he finished a Bachelor of Laws. Before he started writing he validated his Law into Licenciado en Derecho in Spain. But what helped him in his search to be somebody in the field of letters was his Bachelor of Arts major in English where he devotes his time writing novels and teaching children the language.
